The best places to see the pictures of herbs is there...

Well it depends, do you mean the herb as it's growing or after it is dryed. You can buy some good herbs off of e-bay from Herbmoon Hallow, they provide a picture of what you are purchasing. Personally I am a little old fashioned, and would opt to get a really good book on the subject. There is the Holistic Herbal, by David Hoffmann, for starters.

How to prepare containers for gardening?
Put containers anywhere there is a source of water and plenty of sunshine.For anyone in wheelchair or who has trouble bending over, a large pot is the next best thing to a raised bed.
Your container needs six hours of sun each day.Use a premium-quality potting mix. DON'T use garden soil; it can be too dense and infested with disease or nematodes. After a year, empty the old soil, which loses its original texture, into a compost pile and replace with new.Before planting, mix timed-release fertilizer into the soil at the rate recommended on the label.
