How to Grow Potted Herbs for Profit?(Pictures of Herbs in Containers)

Herbs are sold as plants and as fresh or dried leaves or sprigs. All herbs need soil, water and a sunny area in which to grow. The more containers you have, the more herbs you can plant. Starting your herbs from seeds will give you a larger profit, since seeds are inexpensive compared to plants. Producing a large variety of herbs will allow you to appeal to many different customers.


Find the largest containers you can. Herbs can be grown in shallow containers. They have very short roots that spread outward across the soil. Look for old bathtubs, plastic wading pools or half barrels in which to grow herbs.

Pick the seeds. Choose herbs according to how well they will sell. Certain herbs are more useful than others. Cooking herbs will appeal to a larger audience than medicinal herbs. Grow larger amounts of popular herbs. Grow smaller amounts of the less popular herbs that will add to your variety without leaving you with too many unwanted herbs.

Pour in small stones. Fill one quarter of the containers with small stones. This will save on the amount of potting medium you need to fill your containers. It will also provide drainage for excess water.

Pour in the potting medium. Fill the rest of the pot with potting medium. Stop about 4 inches from the top of the container.

Add a slow-release fertilizer. Follow the manufacturer's instructions on how to add the fertilizer to the container.

Plant the seeds. Follow the instructions on the seed packets. Plant one type of herb in each container. Cover the seeds with planting medium if required.

Water the seeds. The soil should be very moist. The pebbles at the bottom will help drain the water if you accidentally overwater them.

Cover the seeds. Place a 2-inch layer of mulch over the seeds.

Mark the herbs. Use a permanent marker to write the name of each herb on a plant marker. Place the plant markers into the soil in the containers.

Water daily or when needed. The soil will dry quickly, especially on sunny days. Make sure the soil is always moist.

Harvest the herbs. All herbs must be harvested at different points in their growing cycle. The same herb may need to be harvested differently depending upon how you plan to sell them.

