How to Start a Medicinal Herb Garden?

A medicinal herb garden can be as small as a single container or as large as a good-sized garden plot. The best way to start medicinal herbs is to pre-seed them indoors. It gives you more control over the environment the seeds and small seedlings. The seedlings can be transplanted together into a large container, or, after the last frost, they can be planted outdoors. Most of these types of herbs are perennials and will return the following year.

Choose your medicinal herb seeds. Some common herbs you might choose are: chamomile, skullcap, St. John's wart, red clover, feverfew, echinacea or evening primrose. The best way to decide which medicinal herbs to grow is to investigate them and choose ones you will use.

Use commercial peat pots, or recycle containers from your kitchen. Either will work. Use commercial potting soil Fill the containers with soil. Follow the package directions for depth of seeds and planting space for when you transplant them outdoors. Each medicinal herb will require different planting procedures.

Place your planted medicinal herb seed pots next to a sunny window indoors. Use a water misting bottle to keep the soil moist, but not soggy. Mark the herb name on the pots.

Plant your seedlings in a container or outdoors in a predetermined sunny location. This will be approximately six weeks after sowing the seeds indoors. If your garden soil is not of good quality (too sandy or too much clay) work in compost (purchased from your local nursery).

Design your medicinal herb garden so that the taller plants will not shade the shorter ones. The back of the seed packet will tell you how tall a plant will get. Smaller herb plants should be placed on the east side of the garden to get the morning sun. Mark the names of the herbs with markers.

Water deeply when the soil dries out, about once a week if rain is not plentiful. After your plants are established, it is better not to give them light sprinklings as this will keep the roots growing toward the surface.
SOURCE(S) : How to Start a Medicinal Herb Garden |, pub-7533433118946337, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
